Adventure – Undaunted Courage: Meriwether Lewis, Thomas Jefferson and the Opening of the American West

I first read in 2013 this excellent narrative of the famous Lewis and Clark exploration for an all-water route to the Pacific Ocean by sailing westward from the Ohio River to the Mississippi, and then up Missouri and finally westward via the Columbia River.

This is the definitive account as Ambrose has written an exciting account that conveys the romance of the journey into terra incognito. Ambrose explains that Lewis and Clark and their men were the first Americans to see the coyote {p 153}, the tepees of the Plain Indians {p 162}, the prairie dog {p165} and the Indian scalp dance {p 175}.

There is a right mixture of background information and details of the journey to give readers a window into the American West of the 1800s. This is indeed a book to savour.

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