“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” {John 1:1}.
Mount Sinai or Jebel Musa in Arabic in the Sinai Peninsula is the mountain where Moses received the Ten Commandments from God, as described in Exodus. At the foothill is St Catherine Monastery where the Burning Bush is located according to Christian theology.
I made my pilgrimage to Mount Sinai back in 1991 with Lam KJ a good friend. We took a public bus from Cairo to Sharm El Sheikh before hiring a taxi to St Catherine Monastery. We had started at 10am and arrived at 8pm. There was actually a direct bus from Cairo but due to an error in our Lonely Planet guide, the bus had left at 9am!
The priest gave us grub and a barn to sleep in for Singapore Dollar 10. We woke up at 2.30 am and joined a Dutch group to hike up Mount Moses, arriving at 6.30am. As it was Nov it was quite cold. Fortunately, there was a hot tea vendor mid-way up the mountain for a very reasonable fee of 10 Egyptian pounds.
Here are 2 books on this venerable site in my library. Holy to both Christians and Muslims, the site is rugged and magnificent. Name the earliest copy of the New Testament in existence.