This newly released Vol 2 continues the journey of Goh Chok Tong as Prime minister from 1990 to 2004.
Written in the same readable style and format as volume 1, this book chronicles the political awakening of Goh from an idealistic man to a tough but compassionate politician.
We read of his steel when he confronted the famous Singaporean novelist Catherine Lim who wrote 2 scathing letters to the press. ( p 86 , 2021 edition).
He also faced off with his childhood friend Tan Cheng Bock and fellow PAP MP. ( p 174 ). Cheng Bock was a close friend as can be seen from a graduation note from Goh to Cheng Bock in 1960 where Goh had penned –
” Dear Bock,
Good friends, we have been.
Good friends shall we remain.
Forever and ever.
(p 97 volume 1).
Goh warmed Singaporean hearts (with his compassionate signature policies like MediFund and Edusave. ) He was not the Holy Goh, a seat-warmer for the Father and Son.