Was he a traitor or a patriot? Or a martyr?
Mention the name Wang Jing Wei to a Chinese person and the usual comment one receives is that he is a traitor, a Hanjian/ traitor to the Han nation.
This 2023 book , Wang Jing Wei and China in Dark Times, by Zhiyi Yang is the first major biography in English on the collaborator.
Born in Guangdong in 1883 his wife is a Penangite, Chen Bi Jun. She was the enfant gâté of her parents who made millions in rubber and tin. [p 36 and 44].
In 326 pages the book covers a lot of ground. Yang has an excellent command of her sources. She writes well.
WJW is also a prolific poet. As a student of classical Chinese poetry Yang is able to give us translations of an informed selection of his poetry.